
4HB Challenge - FInal Results

So we've been lax in updating, but life gets busy sometimes. Here are the final results for our challenge. To refresh, the goal for me (Daren) was to do a body recomposition - lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Ideally I'd end up around the same starting weight (163lbs) but have more muscle and less fat than when I started.

April's goal was to lose weight and tone up a bit. Here's the final results:


Weight (lbs): 163.8 > 167.8

Body Fat (%): 22.9 > 17.8

Total Fat (lbs): 37.5 > 29.9

Lean Mass (lbs): 126.3 > 137.9

So, I'd say the 4 hour body works! In 4 weeks (28 days) I managed to lose 7.6 pounds of fat and gain 11.6 pounds of lean muscle, which means a loss of 5.1% body fat. I'm not where I want to be yet (goal is sub 12%), but feel like if I do this for another month I could get there. I effectively did a 19.2 pound body recomposition, only 0.8 pounds away from my goal of 20. I have never done this well with a diet/workout plan, but it's actually really easy when you see these kinds of results each week. I highly recommend it to anyone trying to change the way you look and feel.

April lost a total of 2.5 pounds over the course of the month, but kind of fell off a little the last two weeks. She lost over three pounds in the first week but didn't really keep up with the exercise plan, which is a big part of her program. I see the 4HB as a great way for women to lose weight and change their body composition, but it takes the little bit of effort to make sure you're working out 3 times a week and sticking with the slow-carb diet.

So, we know what this means, right? Yes folks, I won the iPad.

What more is there to say? Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions about this diet & workout, please let me know.

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